Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Stating the obvious may seem foolish but then the world is full of most foooolish persons who assume that everything will be safe and rosy for them as they strut about in various environments, ignoring obvious risks and chanting the old mantra,'IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE' and following up with the affirmation, 'IT CAN'T HAPPEN TO ME',etc. With the growing number of paroled criminals, many of whom will become full-fledged killers of some kind, either crazed, drugged, drunk, intentional or accidental, one will encounter many of them hiding in the open, walking the streets, and smiling all the while they plunge a knife into you or shoot you down and those around you if they can.... We live in a wonderful world, but it is a world of wonderful violence and conflict....as well as of incredible beauty and suffering and misery, with unlimited opportunities to do 'good' and to 'help' people, especially those who do not want such.... The distrust of persons and people that the present day society and culture fosters and reinforces, and which media present, creates an uncertainty and insecurity in us, no doubt, and politicians will make great use of this as will others....who stand to gain financially from this... Self-protections and self-defenses are the responsibility of each individual, starting at birth and ending at death, hopefully not at the hands of killers and criminals or governments.. At an early age, I became aware of killers, murderers, criminals, spies, etc. because I read, went to movies, listened to radio and so on and was not kept from the realities of life in a sanitized environment......you learn that death is around when animals are killed in front of your eyes at the tender ages and when you have to participate in such yourself in some ways....along with other 'shocks' of life that have to be dealt with, not ignored or censored by zealous 'child protectors' who maintain ignorance of such is not only bliss but standard operating policy in most everything.... So, when you walk down the street or walk a lonely road or drive to various areas around you, just remember, the life you save may be your own.....if you know how to avoid responding to the requests of killers that loom and lurk around wating for you to be a victim......